Winner of the 2002 QWF Mcauslan
First Book Award

View of the St.Lawrence river in Quebec City

Nalini Warriar was born in Kerala, India and grew up in Assam
and Bombay. She is a molecular biologist and lives in Quebec City. She has just completed her first novel and is working on
her second.
Winter in Quebec City

Coming in fall 2005 from TSAR Publications Toronto
A New Novel
Synopsis of new writing project,
The Enemy Within.
Sita Verma is 17 when her parents arrange her marriage with
an Indian scientist in Quebec City.
Sita comes into her marriage not expecting very much other
than a home of her own and maybe a sofa or two. Of love and of what could be between a man and a woman, she hasn't the
vaguest of ideas. She imagines it to be like the feelings described in the Barbara Cartland novels she has consumed as a young
girl. However, months into her marriage she realizes it is not to be so and she is realistic enough not to make herself unhappy
over her disappointment. Yet, she expects something from her husband Anup. As time goes by, Sita accepts even the loveless
marriage as part of her baggage. The death of her daughter, Maya, changes her whole perspective of life and of herself.
Sita reassesses her goals in life. She goes back to school
and university all the while juggling home, husband and children. At the St.Foy college, Sita runs into Michelle with whom
she develops a lasting friendship. During her stint at Laval University, she meets Julian Brannigan who is her professor.
Strong bonds are formed, which give Sita the sustenance she needs to survive the lonely Quebec winters. One choice that she
doesn't have is the freedom to choose where shed have liked to work. She has to stay in Quebec City. Leaving her loveless
marriage has never been an option to her. During this time, she buys a cottage on Lake Marie. As life would have it, Julian's
parents, Martha and Stuart, own the only other house across the lake. At the end of her studies she has a PhD in molecular
biology and her years of postdoctoral studies in Germany, away from Anup for the first time in her life, makes Sita aware
that life without him was also a possibility. Sita has time to think about herself and she comes to terms with her marriage.
She suspects too that Julian has more than friendly feelings towards her.
Unhappy that Sita would never
let herself love him, Julian disappears for a sabbatical year to South America. It is just at this time that Sita decides
to leave her husband of twenty-two years, knowing that in the process, she will have to cut herself off from all ties to India
too. Her divorce comes through. Dark clouds loom over the horizon once again. Sitas funding to do research is trickling down.
She is left high and dry by Felix Leclerc, her boss at the research center and Sita decides to quit rather than play ball
with the man she has come to detest. She starts to write and hopes to make a new life as a writer. Julian is still away in
South America when Sita meets Kiran Nayak, a lawyer at Marthas house. Kiran is Julians friend. He is all that her husband
was not. Life gives her a second chance. So when Julian comes back from his sabbatical leave, Sita has given her heart to
Kiran and tastes love for the first time. However, Anup takes away this chance at happiness too.

Winner of the 2002 QWF Mcauslan
First Book Award

Coming in May 2002 from TSAR Books, Toronto,
ISBN 0920661998
144 pp $18.95
New Fiction from Nalini Warriar
Coming in Fall 2005 from TSAR Publications
The Enemy Within